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2021 國際濕地大會
2021 International
聯合國氣候變化專門委員會IPCC報告重點摘要:暖化上限控制在攝氏1.5°C以內,各國都應致力保護海洋及陸地生態系統。本次研討會以「明日濕地—我們共同的希望」Wetland Tomorrow: Our Common Hope為研討主題,探討後疫情時代氣候變遷調適與國土保育下濕地明智利用作為,透過國內外濕地保育組織及產官學各界對濕地議題的關切與參與,以深化濕地價值與行動。 【指導單位】內政部
【主辦單位】內政部營建署、內政部營建署城鄉發展分署 【協辦單位】行政院環境保護署、行政院農業委員會林務局、經濟部水利署、海洋委員會海洋保育署、行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心、行政院農業委員會林業試驗、墾丁國家公園管理處、陽明山國家公園管理處、雪霸國家公園管理處、金門國家公園管理處、台江國家公園管理處、國際濕地科學家學會亞洲分會、濕地專業訓練課程認證委員會 【執行單位】社團法人台灣濕地學會 |
Summary of report issued by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the UN: in order to limit global warming to 1.5˚C, countries around the world should be devoted to the protection of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The convention will focus on “Wetland Tomorrow: Our Common Hope” and explore wise uses of wetlands in the context of climate change and homeland conservation. We hope to raise greater awareness about the value of our wetlands and inspire meaningful action on wetland protection through concerted effort of conservation organizations, interest groups, the government and academic here in Taiwan and overseas.
【Adviser】Ministry of Interior 【Organizer】Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of the Interior; Urban and Rural Development Branch, CPAMI 【Co-organizers】Environmental Protection Agency of Executive Yuan; Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan; Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs; Ocean Conservation Administration of Ocean Affairs Council; Endemic Species Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan; Forestry Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan; Society of Wetland Scientists Asia Chapter; Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program 【Implementer】Taiwan Wetland Society |
論文投稿 Call for Papers
投稿議題 Topics
Topics of interest for long abstract include, but are not limited to:
Topics of interest for long abstract include, but are not limited to:
1-1建立與國際組織間的伙伴關係,建構亞太候鳥航道及落實保護行動 1-2臺灣三角洲(Taiwan Wing)相關研究及合作計畫 1-3建立與環太平洋島國之學術、科研等跨國、跨域交流合作機制 1-4推動區域性、全國性、國際性濕地保育事務 1-5環境變遷下之濕地角色與功能(氣候變遷、流行病學及病毒威脅等) 1-6濕地保育法規、政策與經營管理計畫 1-7從國土計畫法探討全國/區域濕地生態網絡系統 1-8濕地明智利用案例,濕地標章推廣及應用 1-9海岸(濕地)與綠能開發衝擊與適應 1-10濕地公民科學家及環境教育之推動 1-11其他 |
Group A: Initiatives for wetland conservation and international cooperation for global and Asia Pacific wetland conservation
1-1 Establishment of partnerships with international organizations, the creation of a protection program along the travel route of migratory birds in the Asia Pacific Region, and the implementation of the said protection initiatives 1-2 Research and cooperation projects regarding Taiwan Wing 1-3 Creation of a mechanism for trans-border, cross-disciplinary exchange and collaboration with island countries of the Pacific Rim for cooperation of academic and scientific research 1-4 Implementation of regional, national and international wetland conservation affairs 1-5 Roles and functions of wetlands in the face of environmental changes (climate change, epidemiology and threat of virus) 1-6 Regulations, policies and management plans for wetland conservation 1-7 Exploration of national/regional wetland ecosystem network according to the Spatial Planning Act 1-8 Case studies of wise use of wetlands and promotion and application of the wetland grading system 1-9 Impact of green energy development projects along coastal area (wetland) and adaptation measures 1-10 Advocacy of citizen wetland scientists and promotion of environment education 1-11 Others |
2-1國土生態保育綠色網絡建置計畫 2-2與濕地共生之前瞻性城鄉規劃 2-3濕地生物多樣性保育 2-4生產型濕地保育與生態服務給付 2-5濕地與森川里海之鏈結 2-6水田、農塘、魚塭等的共生共養之友善生產模式 2-7協助農漁村產業轉型、濕地產業復甦與建構永續經營管理機制 2-8建立濕地社區夥伴關係、推展濕地生態旅遊 2-9外來入侵種管理,濕地維護與監測技術、物種蔓延之有效防制措施 2-10森林、垂直濕地及湧泉濕地之價值 2-11濕地產業加值與創意行銷,濕地自然藝術之營造與應用 2-12生產型濕地保育與生態服務給付 2-13其他 |
Group B: Win-win solution for forests, rivers, land and oceans and wetland-related industry
2-1 The Taiwan National Ecological Network homeland ecological conservation project 2-2 Forward-postured urban and rural planning compatible with wetland conservation 2-3 Preservation of wetland biodiversity 2-4 Conservation of “economically productive” wetlands and payments for ecosystem services 2-5 The connection between forests, rivers, land, oceans and wetland conservation 2-6 Aquaponics-based, environmentally friendly production model for paddy fields, ponds for agricultural use and fish farms 2-7 Support to agricultural and fishing villages with industrial transformation, revival of wetland industries and the creation of a sustainable management system 2-8 Partnership with wetland communities and promotion of wetland eco-tours 2-9 Management of Alien/Invasive Species, wetland maintenance and monitoring technology and measures to effectively control spread of specific species 2-10 The value of forests, vertical wetland sand spring-fed wetlands 2-11 Increase of wetland industry value and creative marketing, and the fabrication and application of natural art in wetland areas 2-12 Conservation of “economically productive” wetlands and payment for ecosystem services 2-13Others |
3-1結合河、海、濕地一體之保護區系統建置與運作 3-2整合型集水區或流域系統(含濕地)之規劃管理 3-3前瞻基礎建設水環境建設及營造 3-4濕地水資源之再生、利用與調適策略 3-5濕地防救災之功能與機制 3-6海岸濕地變遷調查監測與研究 3-7濕地管理數位資料庫及資訊系統建置 3-8濕地生態影響—河川漂沙、水質汙染及海岸侵蝕淤積 3-9濕地生態環境與工程建設 3-10水域生物多樣性與自然景觀營造與維護 3-11其他 |
Group C: Conservation of Wetland Water resources, flood management and technology applications
3-1 Establishment and application of an integrated conservation areas of rivers, ocean and wetlands. 3-2 The planning and management for integrated watersheds or basin systems 3-3 Construction and development of the water environment prescribed by the Forward-postured Infrastructure Development Program 3-4 Wetland water resource recovery, use and adaptation strategies 3-5 Disaster prevention and mitigation mechanisms of wetlands 3-6 Survey, monitoring and research of changes to coastal wetlands 3-7 Establishment of a digital database and information system for wetland management 3-8 Impact of sand drift of rivers, water pollution, coastal erosion and siltation on wetland ecology 3-9 Ecological environment and development projects in the wetland region 3-10 Aquatic biodiversity, the creation and maintenance natural landscapes 3-11 Others |
International experts
Ben LePage2018-2019年濕地專業訓練課程認證委員會主席
2018-2019 President, Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program (SWSPCP |
Robert McInnesRM濕地與環境公司負責人
查爾斯特大學土地、水和社會研究所副教授 Managing Director, RM Wetlands & Environment Ltd Associate Professor, ILWS, Charles Sturt University |
Marinus L. Otte美國北達科他州立大學生物科學系教授
Wetlands(SCI)期刊總編輯 Professor, Department of Biological Science North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA Editor-in-Chief, WETLAND |
Matthew Simpson35 Percent環境規劃有限公司負責人
SWS歐洲分會主席 Director, 35percent Ltd President of Europe Chapter, Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) |
Richard ChinnRichard Chinn 環境專業訓練公司負責人暨講師
佛羅里達州紅樹林修剪公司之專業紅樹林修剪師 President and Primary Instructor, Richard Chinn Environmental Training, Inc. Professional Mangrove Trimmer, Florida Mangrove Trimming, LLC |
2021 國際濕地大會—明日濕地:我們共同的希望 2021 International Wetland Convention in Taiwan—Wetland Tomorrow: Our Common Hope
聯絡方式 Contact Information | Tel|(02)2543-1505(ext.16) Ms. Huang | Email|[email protected] |